Opening in 1900 as the Montana State School of Mines, Montana Tech’s funding and land came from the Enabling Act of 1889, which admitted Montana to the Union and allocated 100,000 acres of public land to establish a state school of mines. 

The School of Mines opened its doors with only one building, 大厅, 拥有21名学生,提供两个学位:采矿工程和电气工程.

Montana Tech specializes in the areas of science, 技术, 工程, 数学, 和医疗保健学科,并多次被美国顶尖大学认可.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院提供证书课程、副学士学位、学士学位和硕士学位以及博士学位.D. 材料科学. 所有学位课程都特别强调菲律宾十大彩票平台学院自成立以来独特的环境和持续的高质量传统.

The exceptional job placement rate of graduates, 我们成功的校友, combined with the low cost of attendance in a highly personalized environment, 证明两种品质, 价值, 以及总体投资回报率. 提供实用的, 实践学习, 蒙大拿州理工学院为希望成为改变者的学生提供了机会, 领导人, 创新者, 治疗者和问题解决者.


矿业学院大楼(正厅)成为校园内建造的第一座建筑. 今天,主大厅是电气工程和通识研究部门的所在地.

Montana Tech opens its doors as the Montana State School of Mines.

1919年,蒙大拿州立法议会通过了一项法案,成立了蒙大拿州矿冶局. The Bureau had two main functions: first, developing the mineral resources of the state; second, improving the safety and efficiency of mining related operations. 今天,该局是蒙大拿州公民地球科学信息的主要来源.

Montana School of Mines becomes a Naval College and offers the V-12 program, 它保证了二战期间海军和海军陆战队的军官更替计划.

大丘上" M "的灯光.

蒙大拿州矿业学院更名为蒙大拿州矿业科学与技术学院. 二战结束后不久, acting School of Mines president Francis Thompson, 开始了一项旨在使蒙大拿矿业学院的课程现代化的计划. 矿业学院在技术选修课的基础上增加了人文和社会科学课程.

Montana Tech opens 校友 Coliseum, 它最初是打算用于足球比赛和美国退伍军人协会棒球比赛的. 巴特铜王, 职业棒球队, also used the field during their years playing in 孤峰. 该体育场于2007年进行了翻新,从那时起就一直用于Oredigger足球比赛. The facility now features new stadium seating, 巨大的记分牌, and newly installed field turf on Bob Green Field.

The Montana University System is restructured, and Montana Tech becomes affiliated with the University of Montana, becoming Montana Tech of the University of Montana. 另外, the College of Technology (formerly 孤峰 Vocational-Technical Center, came under the administrative umbrella of Montana Tech.

The Natural Resources Building (NRB) is opened. The NRB houses Montana Tech's largest department, 石油工程, as well as the 蒙大拿州矿业局 and 地质. NRB拥有最先进的实验室,允许学生使用行业标准和专业设备, including a Fracture Conductivity Measurement System, 垂直流环, a Cement Slurry Property Testing Lab, and Fracture Stimulation Equipment. 除了这个设备, NRB有两个智能实验室,允许世界知名专家从世界任何地方向理工学院的学生和教师进行实时演讲.

Chancellor Frank Gilmore retires after 13 years at Montana Tech. Don Blackketter is hired as the new chancellor.

The Frank and Ann Gilmore University Relations Center (URC), is opened. URC是校园里第一座完全由私人捐赠资助的建筑,也是蒙大拿科技基金会的所在地, 校友事务, 公共关系, 及就业服务.

Montana Tech’s two-year campus is renamed 高地上大学 of Montana Tech.


材料科学博士.D. Program’s first students begin 研究ing at Montana Tech.

Montana Tech breaks ground for the newest building on campus, the Natural Resources Research Center (NRRC). NRRC将为自然资源和能源本科和研究生的教育和研究提供实验室空间. 的三层, 大约32,000-square foot building will create state-of-the-art laboratories, 工作空间和支持空间. 新增包括石油研究实验室,纳米研究实验室,能源实验室,优势 & 材料测试实验室,复合材料 & 木材测试实验室, occupational safety and health lab, campus-wide student project studio area, dedicated equipment and machinery rooms, 学生支持领域, 办公空间, 总支撑空间, and unfinished space for future growth.

自然资源研究中心(NRRC)在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的校园里开放. 核管理委员会有三层, 31,000-square-foot addition to the 工程 Laboratory Classroom Building. The NRRC houses research and lab space for the Petroleum, 民事, 机械工程系以及职业安全空间 & 卫生部门. 该建筑是一个强大的招聘工具,并提供了最先进的研究和实验室空间.

在2017年5月的会议上, 蒙大拿州校董会批准了该州高等教育单位的第四种机构分类. 新分类, Special Focus Four-Year Universities, of which Montana Tech is the only unit, was added to the previous three classifications: Two-Year Colleges, 四年制地区大学, and Research Doctoral Universities. 在它的新分类之前, 蒙大拿州理工大学被列入四年制地区大学的分类. 这个新的分类部分是由于蒙大拿州理工大学的独特使命和高质量,以及对特别关注指定可能为蒙大拿州理工大学提供机会的认识.

Montana Tech breaks ground for the Student Success/Living & 学习中心(SSC). The SSC will be operational by Spring 2019. 这82,200-square-foot facility will enhance the student life experience on campus, providing an inspiring environment for students to live, 学习, 研究, socialize and cultivate valuable 领导人hip skills.

在2018年5月的会议上, 蒙大拿校董会一致通过了菲律宾十大彩票平台的正式更名申请. 大学的正式名称从蒙大拿大学的菲律宾十大彩票平台改为菲律宾十大彩票平台大学.

蒙大拿州理工学院第11任校长. 唐纳德·米. Blackketter, retired from the university in June 2019. Blackketter served in the 领导人hip position since 2011. 2019年7月,Dr. Les Cook became chancellor of Montana Tech.